10 Steps to Increase Conversions on Your Allied Health Website
As Allied Health providers, it is essential that we stay on top of the latest Allied Health digital strategies. The conversion rate for Allied Health websites can be difficult to increase without a good understanding of how consumers are browsing the web.
In this blog post, I will discuss 10 key points to help you improve your Allied Health website and increase conversion rates!
1. Create a strong call to action throughout the site
Allied Health providers should be using a strong call to action throughout the site. This will make it easier for your website visitors to get in touch with you. A good way to do this is by adding a call-to-action button in key places on your website, such as top navigation, have a “book now” button and throughout all the pages on the site.
People often have a hard time finding contact information on your website. Putting your business phone number in an easily-findable button is an easy way to give site visitors instant access to reach you.
2. Provide clear benefits for your service and speak the language of your patients
It’s important to provide clear benefits of your service and speak the language of those you are trying to attract. For example, if your clinic specialises in spinal cord injury, then it’s a good idea to Google the term “spinal cord injury” and see the “People also ask” section to see what users are actually asking about spinal cord injuries. Then in your copy, answer those questions.
Another way you can speak the language of your patients is by trawling through the testimonials in your GMB. Extract all the testimonials into a document, and highlight the common words your patients describe you with.
The goal here is to explain your services in a language that your patients will understand and gain their trust.
3. Offer a guarantee on your website
It’s a good idea to offer some kind of guarantee on your services. This will help reassure potential patients that you are confident in the quality of service and also build trust for customers.
A guarantee could be as simple as, “if you’re not happy with our level of service, then we will give your money back”. I would be interested to know, how many people actually would ask for their money back. And here’s the thing, if they do, you probably don’t want them as a customer anyway!
If you’re running a Google Ads campaign, you can have the offer on the landing page used for your Ads so the general public doesn’t see the guarantee.
4. Add social media icons and feeds to your page so visitors can get an insight into the personality of your brand
It’s important to have social media icons on your website. Often people use Facebook, Instagram and other networks to gain insight into the practice and practitioners. When posting, encourage users to share the post as it can also increase traffic to your website.
If you’ve got strong and consistent imagery on your Instagram page, you can also include a feed on your website. This is great for conversions as images are a great way to keep people on your website for longer – and this gets a tick of approval from Google.
5. Make it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for on the site by creating intuitive navigation
It’s important to have intuitive navigation on your Allied Health website. Having your services listed in the top navigation (not in a service drop-down), it can make it really obvious straight away to the website visitor what services you offer (if it’s not in your brand name).
Provide clear links that correspond with the service and condition/treatment pages you’ve created, and make sure to provide a link back to the homepage at any point in time so visitors can find their way back home if needed.
6. Use high-quality images that attract attention – people love pictures!
It’s important to use high-quality images on the website. There are a few reasons for this:
a) People love pictures, b) They’re engaging and c) You can also include videos that show your services in action! Video content is really popular these days – people like to see what you do rather than just read about it.
When choosing photos for your website make sure they are aesthetically pleasing (elegant), have good lighting and don’t distract from the message being conveyed by the image or video. The right images will help keep visitors’ focus on what you want them to know most – which should be shown the clinic environment, treatment rooms, and happy photo’s of the staff!
Using Photography to Increase Website Conversions: 7 Tips https://t.co/6H9ff9VLr5 pic.twitter.com/kGwTQhbX1M
— Local Health Marketing (@LocalHealthMktg) June 3, 2021
7. Don’t use too many words – keep things short and sweet
Your website should provide the user with all the information they need. As mentioned earlier, Google the service, and use Google to see what people are also searching for/asking. It’s also another great way to create FAQs on the pages.
Don’t use too many words, but use headings to clearly articulate what you offer in regards to your services (e.g: orthotics) at a glance. If you put entire paragraphs of text on the page that people have to scroll through, then visitors will get bored or just leave – don’t forget this is about conversion rates!
8. Be sure you have good grammar and spelling
There are so many websites that have poor grammar and spelling – it’s a shame because you’re only going to alienate potential clients. If the website visitor gets frustrating reading, then there is a chance they will leave without completing their journey on your site. It doesn’t cost much time or money to get in touch with someone who can proofread your content for you!
We’re in favor of anything that makes writing easier. ????#WritingTips #AmWritinghttps://t.co/9RoO8gviCn
— Grammarly (@Grammarly) July 3, 2021
9. Update content regularly so it’s fresh and engaging (at least twice per month!)
If you want to see an increase in website visitors and conversion rates, then make sure your website is updated regularly. Content needs to be fresh and engaging so that people are always coming back for more!
This should happen at least twice per month – if not more often than this (you may need to update it every week). It’s also important when writing content for the web that it has been written with SEO in mind: use keywords where possible, ensure there are links from one page of your site to another; don’t forget about social media shares too.
Ideas for copy might be “How to” posts on Allied Heath topics or services offered by the provider.
Questions and answers about the Allied health topic – these can be in both text format and video/audiovisual content form too!
Write questions people may have when it relates to your areas of expertise as a therapist for example…and then provide helpful information with easy solutions that make up an answer in one health blog post. This is another great way to create FAQ’s on the pages!
10. Increase conversions with live chat
Live chat is just another way patients can reach out to you if they have a question or need clarification around something you offer.
It’s also really good for SEO because it allows people to find your website when having conversations with their peers on social media. You want to be sure you have a live chat feature on your website so people feel like they are engaging with someone and not just reading text.
Software such as Olark is great because it’s free, easy to set up – no coding knowledge required! You’ll also get analytics for the number of chats you’ve done (and duration) plus what conversations were about. It can help show where visitors had issues or concerns that could be addressed in future posts/website content updates.
If you’re looking for live chat automation then we have the perfect product for Allied Health professionals. Check out our very own PatientHub, it automates live chat for Allied health websites – you don’t have to be available 24/hrs a day! It helps with the drudgery of having to deal with people on your website all day long, plus if you’re busy doing something else then automation/AI can do the talking on your behalf.
When your website is set up properly, it’s a great vehicle to reach out and engage with people who need health care professionals. The key is about conversion rates – you want patients to convert from a visitor into a patient! Remember that Allied Health websites must be engaging so visitors get the most information possible without scrolling through paragraphs of text.
An Allied Heath website should have good grammar and spelling, contain clear headings for services (e.g: osteopathy) at a glance, updated content regularly plus an option for live chat if desired. If these points are followed then there will be more opportunities for conversions on this type of site!
If you need us to review your site and give you tips on conversions or anything Allied Heath related, please get in touch.